Neural Engineering in Biotechnology
What is Neural Engineering?
Neural Engineering is the emerging discipline within Biomedical Engineering which uses engineering techniques to understand, repair, replace, enhance, or otherwise exploit and manipulate the properties of neural systems (such as the human brain and nervous system).
Here is a quick video introducing Neural Engineering:
Fields of Neural Engineering
Neural Engineering encompasses many different fields of science which include the following (but are not limited to):
Neuromechanics is an area that attempts to combine the efforts of muscles, sensory organs, pattern generators in the brain, and the central nervous system itself to manipulate motion. Neuromechanics applications include easing health problems along with designing and controlling robotic systems applicable to the mechanical aspect of the nervous system.
Neuromodulation is the alteration of nerve activity through targeted delivery of a stimulus, such as electrical stimulation or chemical agents, to specific neurological sites in the body. This is a growing class of therapies that can help restore function or relieve symptoms that have a neurological basis.
Neuroimaging is the use of various techniques and technologies to either directly or indirectly image various parts of the nervous system (especially the brain). It is a relatively new discipline within neuroscience and has seen widespread use with the advent of various technologies such as the MRI.
Neural Networks
Neural Networks are information processing models that are inspired by the way biologic nervous systems (such as the brain) process information. They are composed of a large number of connected processing elements that work together to solve problems, and learn by example.
Neural Interfaces
A neural interface is a direct communication pathway between a wired or enhanced brain and an external device, such as a computer. They are often used for researching, mapping, assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions.
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